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What is Kiln Dried Firewood?

Writer's picture: The Firewood CompanyThe Firewood Company

Wondering what all the hype is around kiln-dried firewood? The Firewood Company investigates the benefits of kiln-dried firewood, and what is involved in the process of drying wood.

It’s no surprise to many firewood enthusiasts that seasoning wood – the process of drying your wood for burning – is often a long and tedious process. Woodsheds full of damp and wet wood can cause endless headaches for families during the winter season. Particularly if you have cut and prepared your wood in summer, only to discover it needs much longer to dry than anticipated. This wood will be producing fires that dim easily and do not burn at full heat. That’s not to mention the mess they can make of your chimney and the endless smoke to your neighbours.

Wood needs a good amount of time to season. For softwoods (think pine), you will be looking at around six to 12 months. It also needs to be kept 100% dry or it will act like a sponge and put you back to square one. For hardwoods (think gum) you will need anywhere from one to two years – and sometimes even longer depending on the conditions you store your wood. It’s a long and slow process that involves ensuring enough airflow, sunlight, and moisture protection.

Even if you have purchased your wood from a reputable business, you can still end up with a few logs that are not 100% ready for burn. The solution? Kiln-dried options.


Kiln-dried wood is the process of drying wood at speed. These incredible kilns are basically giant ovens, that quickly dry your firewood to perfection. Allowing you the security of knowing that all your delivered firewood will be perfect to burn, regardless of if you have had a bad wet season. Many firewood companies store their firewood outside, and even if covered can have issues delivering 100% dried wood, even in the best conditions. Particularly during the height of the season when firewood is in high demand.

How does a kiln dry your firewood? Large logs are placed inside the kiln with heat slowly being applied. Dehumidifiers are also used to ensure the moister in the air is removed from the kiln, while massive fans are utilised to ensure the hot air is correctly circulated around the logs. This process guarantees that the air is encompassing logs evenly for perfectly dried firewood. Depending on the wood used (think soft or hardwoods) it can take from a few days to 10-12hours. It’s a large process but the results are certainly worth it. The whole process needs constant supervision to ensure the logs do not dry out too quickly or take too long.

Having a kiln on hand allows The Firewood Company to control everything including the temperature, humidity, and even the steam levels in which the wood is dried. This is a much faster process than allowing the wood to dry naturally alongside mother nature.

Kiln-dried options are normally slightly more expensive as they have gone through the process of being manually dried. This experience comes at a cost as it requires a skilled technician to correctly kiln dry firewood.

Kiln-dried wood will burn much quicker compared to seasoned firewood as it has a much lower moisture content. It will produce consistent hot fires quickly that will keep you toasty and warm all winter long. For this reason, many families opt for kiln-dried firewood options, particularly during the height of the season when all firewood contains a little more moisture due to the weather and storage.

Kiln-dried firewood also prevent other issues – cue the bugs in your firewood! It’s not uncommon to hear of many situations where the cut wood has a few little critters looming inside. When wood is dried naturally it becomes a home for many insects (and their eggs). Kiln drying removes all insects (due to the quick heat it is exposed to during the drying process). It can also ensure your wood is mold and fungi-free.

With so many advantages of kiln-dried wood, it’s no surprise that many opt to pay a little more for this treatment for their firewood deliveries.

If you are considering seasoning your own wood it is vital you give it time and understand that you are dealing with an organic matter and it will vary. You cannot speed up the process and burning damp, wet, or wood that contains too much moister will not serve your firebox or home well. Producing fires that need constant attention, or those that are a struggle to keep alight will not heat your home efficiently and could be a complete waste of money.

Looking for kiln-dried options? You know who to call.
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